Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Rescued Kitty & her $100 an ounce formula

Too impatient for the bottle but LOVES kitty formula

My 81 yr old grandmother found a 4 week old kitten 2 nights ago. So I took it in and now am bottle feeding the baby and then will find her (it's a GIRL!) a safe forever home next month.

For those that have known me awhile, this is not surprising news, LOL. It seems that every 6 months or so, a stray finds me to care for. I must have a sign on my forehead saying, "Come one, come ALL"

There is a drop of it on the tip of her nose



oh my goodness! Could she BE any cuter?!?!?!

I'm in love!


SO CUTE, I think I might die! Little kitty reminds me of my very first cat ever.

Tutu Cute and Moore!

Waiting for you to post this pic was like waiting for the treasury to open! lol Such a cutie, I want her in my house, but big boy, Squirt, probably wouldn't like a bed partner. Love this little furry girl!

Jennifer Hayes Hugon

Oh wow! What a little doll. The milk on her nose is toooo cute. We have bottle fed a couple of abandoned kittens and it's a lot of work but so rewarding. :)

warm wishes


People like you with a big heart and willing to use it is what helps this world go around. Very cute kitten.


So cute & adorable, what a lucky kitten :)


How cute is this kitty. I rescued a scared little kitten last year and now she's a frisky wonderful cat. Enjoy your knew kitty.


Oh how very precious! Bless you for taking care of this little baby. :)